November 15, 2007

Chapman Tripp awards

Hilary Norris       posted 14 Nov 2007, 02:01 PM

Many congratulations to all those nominated for Chapman Tripp awards, it is fantastic to see our industry recognised and celebrated. I am slightly bemused as to “Homeland’by Gary Henderson being nominated for a new play award. Much as this amazing play deserves every award going ,it has been produced professionally before the Wellington production. It was the Fortune Theatre’s 2004 Otago Festival of the Arts production, directed by myself. However, go the play. It is a fabulous piece of writing!!!

Charlotte Larsen               posted 14 Nov 2007, 03:26 PM

Congratulations to all, and I am looking forward to our EAT presence on the night!

John Smythe      posted 14 Nov 2007, 03:31 PM / edited 14 Nov 2007, 04:21 PM

Thank you, Hilary, for raising the issue and allowing us to explain.

We are well aware that this was not the world premiere of Home Land, Hilary, but it was the Wellington premiere. Since the Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards (aka, the Chappies) only cover Wellington, it would be most unfair to shut out a relatively new NZ work just because it premiered elsewhere – not least because it could potentially act as a disincentive to launching new work in other cities or towns.

There are grey areas every year that inevitably raise eyebrows but our principle is to not let pedantic adherence to rules get in the way of fairness.

Hilary Norris       posted 15 Nov 2007, 10:44 AM

Thanks John. I will have my fingers crossed for Home Land and for my dear friend and ex Dunedinite Mel Dodge. Have a wonderful night!!

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