November 13, 2008


Q Theatre is delighted with the Lottery Grants Board decision to make a $6m grant to Q Theatre, a performing arts venue to be built at Queen Street – just beyond the Town Hall.

The grant from the Lottery Significant Projects Fund comes after ten years of development, led in large part by volunteers from the community.

Q Theatre General Manager, Susanne Ritzenhoff, says "We are absolutely thrilled and are now getting on to the task at hand – building a world-class theatre that Aucklanders will be proud of".

Q Theatre intends construction to start next year with the build expected to take two years. 

"We thank all of the supporters and visionaries who have continued to have faith in the project during its journey. It has been wonderful to see all the hours of effort and commitment coming to fruition," says Ms Ritzenhoff.

"Research we commissioned this year confirmed to us Auckland’s need for Q Theatre. Only one-in-five Aucklanders surveyed believed there were a sufficient number of venues, and three-quarters believed theatres were good for the economy and vibrancy of the city."

As well as providing an important addition to the Auckland Region’s existing arts and entertainment venues, Q Theatre aims to present an exciting and impressive destination for Aucklanders seeking the best live performing arts experiences.

"Q Theatre will be a wonderful addition to Auckland that will showcase, develop, promote and advocate for the performing arts. It will also help ensure our rising stars stay in New Zealand," says Ms Ritzenhoff.

A $21 million project, Q Theatre was recently identified as a top priority in the latest Council study assessing Auckland’s performing arts venue needs.

The other cornerstone funding partners to the project are Auckland City Council who have already committed $9.6 million in capital funding as well as the land and buildings, and the ASB Community Trust who, between 2005 and 2007 gave a total of $4.495m, one of their largest ever grants.  The balance of funding came from private donors and trusts throughout Auckland.

The Lottery Significant Project Fund provides opportunities for the development of projects that are of benefit at the wider community, regional or national level.

The Lottery Grants Board is an independent decision making body and Lottery funds come from the profits of the NZ Lotteries Commission.

For more information, please visit or contact:
Susanne Ritzenhoff
027 307 5070
(09) 309 8324

About Q Theatre

Q Theatre will be a mid-sized professional flexiform theatre in Queen St, Auckland. The main auditorium will provide seating for 350 to 460 people and a studio space with seating for 100. Flexiform means the main stage and seating can be reconfigured, encouraging innovation and leading to different experiences for every audience.

The new facility will also provide a rehearsal room, café and bar, front-of-house facilities and office space.

It will give groups, who might not otherwise be able to stage their shows because of a lack of suitably-sized and equipped theatres, an opportunity to present their work.  Q Theatre also aims to:

  • provide a venue where actors and other professional performing artists can establish their careers in Auckland
  • provide a meeting place for artists and audiences, and become a hub for the performing arts in Auckland
  • be a place that the city can be proud of both architecturally and artistically.

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