December 12, 2008

December 12, 2008

Arts Development Funding 2009

Over the last month, Creative New Zealand programme advisers have visited towns and cities all over the country presenting our new arts development funding system.

We have enjoyed meeting with you, hearing you comments on the new system and being able to provide some immediate answers to your questions.

As promised, this email provides you with links to the new online funding application assistant, a copy of the presentation as recorded from one of our Auckland sessions, the contact details for all the programme advisers specific to your artform and details of how to nominate an external assessor.

Online funding application assistant

You can complete an application form for contestable funding online. This feature will walk you through the application process, then you need to save your application, print it and post it to us so that we receive it by 5pm on the relevant closing date.  Please create your own log in name/password at the start. This allows you to save and then retrieve your application should you need to make changes.

Online Funding Application Assistant Link 

Re-visit the funding presentation

If you missed our recent  presentations around the country, or would like to pass on this link to friends, colleagues and governors who missed them, here is Jude Chambers – Senior Programme Adviser presenting in Auckland on Saturday 29 November 2008.  You will also find a link to the artform specific programme advisers who are located in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
Creative New Zealand Funding Presentation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Creative New Zealand Programme Adviser Contacts

Nominate an external assessor

Creative New Zealand invites nominations for people who are interested in being appointed as an external assessor.  To download a nomination form or express interest follow this link.

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