July 1, 2009
This is an invitation to people who participate in a traditional or ethnic art to take part in a study of the benefits of these arts for people who do them. If you are over 16 and do an art, dance and/or music that is traditional for your ethnic group, we hope you might take our online survey.
The following site contains ethical and academic information, as well as the survey itself:
So that you know broadly what we are doing, we are conducting research on the benefits of ethnic arts for the well being of participants. We believe traditional arts are a crucial part of the process of keeping ethnic communities and individuals healthy and happy, providing connections to the past, present families and communities, and future continuity. Those of us who have been around ethnic arts intuitively know about the benefits, but there is very little statistical research on the subject.
We deeply believe this is important work, and that it will demonstrate the effectiveness of ethnic arts as a means to healthy adaptation while preserving cultures in our changing world. This research was approved by the Victoria University ethics committee. You are welcome to email us for copies of current articles and posters, or with questions. Results should be posted later on the site of the Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/cacr/
The survey should take no more than 20-30 minutes. Participants should be at least 16 years old and active or experienced in an art associated with their ethnic group (If you are not currently as involved in your arts, answer regarding that time of greatest involvement). You will be asked about your involvement in the art and about your own well being. As a small "thank you," there will be a drawing for an iPod from participants’ entry forms. This is not connected to the survey, so answers remain anonymous. We can also provide paper copies of the survey for completion, if you prefer.
We hope you will participate and/or send it on to others.
Thank you for your time and attention!
Stephen Fox