October 15, 2010

Producing in the Performing Arts
From Idea to Public Performance: Imagine, Harness, Realise

This public forum is for everyone interested in the performing arts. It is a networking opportunity for current producers and the theatre community.
There are a plethora of great ideas for productions in the performing arts and an abundance of talent to realise the visions – writers, actors, directors, dancers, stage managers, lighting and sound technicians, front-of-house personnel, publicists … But there is a lack of people guiding the process and bringing those ideas into existence – producers!
How does a great idea go from the visioning stage to being experienced by an audience?
Producers with diverse approaches including Stephen Blackburn ( Capital E ), Caroline Armstrong ( Armstrong Creative Limited ), Eleanor Bishop, Mark Westerby and Bert van Dijk will unlock the secrets to success and investigate challenges getting performance works ‘staged’ at a variety of sites and venues.
Early career artists are encouraged to attend. All welcome!
Saturday 6th November
1.00 – 5.00 and social hour until 6.00
Toi Whakaari NZ Drama School
11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington
There is no charge to attend but rsvp’s are essential.
To register admin@eatwellington.org.nz
For more information contact Sally Thorburn sally@eatwellington.org.nz
(04) 801 6470
This initiative is a partnership between the Emerging Artists Trust Wellington (EAT), Wellington City Council and Toi Whakaari NZ Drama School.
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