March 31, 2011

[Embargoed until midnight 31 March 2011] – [added later: sadly this was an April Fool gag.]


The government, through Treasury and the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, has contracted Theatreview to gather expressions of interest from those who believe they can contribute to an arts-led economic recovery.  This work will be funded at corporate consultant rates. 

There is a growing understanding in Treasury and cabinet that many sectors of society and the economy that are ‘depressed’ or suffering ‘downturns’ can be stimulated to greater productivity through arts-led activities.

While the Rugby World Cup will undoubtedly stimulate some sectors of the economy, it could be detrimental to others. By contrast there are no losers with the arts: everyone is a winner.  

If you feel you have something to contribute to this exciting initiative, please lodge your expression of interest with by noon on Friday, including your name, skills and a brief statement about what you have to offer.   

Open discussion is encouraged on the ‘Arts-Led Recovery Initiative’ forum.

Points to note:

  • Not all economic value can be measured directly in dollars and cents. Mental and physical health and wellbeing, for example, has a fundamental social value that obviously impacts the economic vitality of communities.  
  • Not all communities are geographically defined.  ‘Communities of common interest’ are also vital elements of a healthy and vital national economy.  
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