October 14, 2011
Should theatres pay critics to come and review?
Editor posted 30 Sep 2011, 08:41 AM
From The Guardian
NOISES OFF: Should theatres pay critics to come and review?
What price a bit of honest publicity? The rapidly changing face of theatre reviewing is grist to the bloggers’ mill this week.
What happens if you can’t get a critic to see your show? Most theatres would probably shrug and move on. But the new Swiss website TheaterKritik.ch thinks it has a different answer. According to a news article at German theatre blog NachtKritik.de, the website plans to fund itself by having smaller theatres take out subscriptions to be reviewed. But this won’t be a matter of buying a favourable opinion. Oh no. For their money, the subscribing theatre will get two professional critics attending, who will then record a podcast discussing the show’s merits or otherwise. [more]
Nic Farra posted 9 Oct 2011, 10:24 AM
Yawn. No, but the organs should pay.
Dane Giraud posted 14 Oct 2011, 01:29 PM
Paying a critic for the honor of their reviewing your work is akin to paying a Don Fannuci protection money to prevent those unexplained fires that break out from time to time. A dispicable idea.