January 20, 2012


The BANANA BOAT is a collective of Maori and Pasifika Writers 

The Banana Boat Writers Group, in association with Auckland City Council Creative Communities, are proud to announce that submissions are now welcome for places on a four day writers retreat. 

Friday 3rd to Monday 6th February 2012.  

The retreat will start at 7pm on Fri 3rd Feb – welcome dinner and introduction.

Sat 4 and Sun 6th will involve writing and possible opportunity to work with script advisors Victor Rodger, Stuart Hoar and Kath Akuhata-Brown TBC.

The cost of registration is $50.00 per person for the entire retreat.

The workshops are already heavily subsidised by Creative Communities funding.

Food and drink are provided.

Places are strictly limited to 8 people, by submission of a script you want to work on during the retreat, and will be selected by the Banana Boat panel.

Submissions close 27 January

If you’ve got a script that you want to work on exclusively for a few days, with the help and advice of experienced practitioners, in the company of other writers – this retreat is for you.


  1. Interested writers will need to –
    a.  complete the attached application form; and
    b.  email the completed application form (below) and a copy of their script to bananaboatnz@gmail.com by FRIDAY 27 JANUARY.
  2. Writers accepted for the retreat will be advised by TUESDAY 31 JANUARY at the latest.
  3. Writers going on the retreat will need to pay their $50 fee by FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY.

For further information, contact Jenni Heka or David Mamea – contact details:
Jenni Heka +64 21 104 9287
D F Mamea +64 21 668 346

APPLICATION FORM                                                                                

BANANA BOAT – BANANA BOAT Writers Retreat 2012

3 – 6 Feb 2012

You bet I want to register for this retreat because here are my details:

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………

Postal address: ………………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone: ………………………………….Mobile: ………………………………….

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………

Script Title ………………………………………………………………………

I have included a e-copy of the script I will be working on at this retreat.

Send to bananaboatnz@gmail.com  


BANANA BOAT Writers Group
PO Box 60-096
Waitakere 0642


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