March 15, 2013


The Circa Council is currently encouraging submissions from established professional theatre directors to be considered for the 2014 Circa Theatre programme. There will be a Pitch Presentation Day on Saturday, 20 July, at which Circa will invite those submissions of interest to present.

Submissions will be accepted until Friday, 14 June for inclusion in the Pitch Day.

“It is important to the Circa Council to present a balanced programme that appeals to our audience base and engages with the local professional theatre community,” said Ray Henwood, Circa Council Co-ordinator. “Our programming process encourages interested, experienced theatre directors to submit, and all submissions will be read and considered.”

The Circa Council is responsible for all programming decisions and reads a large number of plays each year in order to settle on a programme which strives to match Circa’s vision: “We believe a great theatre experience inspires, entertains, transforms and nourishes the human spirit.”

There is a two step process to Circa’s programming process: in the first instance, a short CV or bio should be submitted to Linda Wilson at, along with the script of the play. Applicants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their submission. All submissions will be read by the Council, from which a shortlist will be determined and invited to the Pitch Day.

At the Pitch Presentation Day on 20 July, selected directors will be asked to present their pitch to the Circa Council. The programme will then be confirmed based on these pitches. If there are some slots in the programme that are still vacant after the first Pitch Presentation Day, there will be a second Pitch Presentation Day (usually in September). 

For more information about the programming process, please visit:

For any questions, please contact:

Linda Wilson, Box Office Manager and Programming Co-ordinator, Circa Theatre

Email | phone 04 801 7992 

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