June 23, 2014

Auckland Council’s Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Action Plan is here
– let’s talk about it!

WEDNESDAY 25 JUNE, 5.30 – 7.30PM

Auckland Council representatives and arts and creative sector leaders to discuss the new Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Action Plan. 

The Draft Plan is now available here

We would like to kick off the sector-wide discussion of the Draft Plan with presentations and input from Auckland Council officials and officers, some first thoughts and observations from leaders of sector organisations and then discuss our next steps:

5.30pm  Welcome & mihi
5.35pm  Cr Wayne Walker, Auckland Council 
5.50pm  Maree Mills, Auckland Council 
6.20pm  Presentations by sector leaders/organisations: Lester McGrath (ATC), Gail Richards (Creative NZ), Linda Blincko (The Depot)
6.50pm  Questions & Discussion

7.25pm  Wrap up & next steps

The Draft Plan has been produced by Auckland Council’s policy arm, drawing upon an external steering group as a sounding board.  It has recently been considered by local boards across the region to ensure its relevance at a local as well as regional level.

The Draft Plan is now open for submissions. Submissions close on the 24th of July. The Final Plan is set to be adopted in the latter half of this year (which is after the Council’s annual financial year ends on 31 June 2014, so will not come into effect until 1 July 2015). 

Creative Coalition thinks it is important for our sector to be engaged, discuss and provide expert feedback on the Draft Plan.  Therefore we have asked several organisations within our sector to present at the meeting how they enrich the lives of Aucklanders and provide an economic and social return to the community. We want to illustrate the breadth of work and economic importance of the arts and creative industries in Auckland.  These organisations will also share what they see as key issues arising from Council’s Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Action Plan.

The Creative Coalition urges you to attend this important meeting so that you or your organisation can produce a strong submission to the Draft Plan.

All are welcome, please RSVP to info@creativecoalition.org.nz

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