July 16, 2014


Auckland Council published the Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) on Monday 22 June and has invited written feedback and input on the Draft Plan. Submissions close at 4pm Thursday 24 July. 

A copy of the summary of the Draft Plan is available online here – and printed copies are now at libraries and Local Board offices across Auckland. There is also a full version of the Plan which is available on request from Policy Lead, Maree Mills: acsapfeedback@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz 

The Draft Plan has been formulated as a result of many months of work by Council officers along with sector stakeholders, Local Boards, CCOs, Government agencies and the Independent Maori Statutory Board. After the public feedback period ends, the Plan will be presented to the Arts, Culture and Events Committee for adoption in late 2014. 

You can make your submission online, through the online submission form on the Council page.  

The Submission form asks a few ‘tick the box’ questions and at the end you can attach other documents, such as a written submission. Council asks that you provide your name and organisations name, and an email and/or postal address.

The Creative Coalition Recommends that you: 

Request and read the full Draft Plan. It gives a much more detailed picture of the Draft Strategic Action Plan than the summary alone and although it is a longer read we think that it will help you /your organisation make more meaningful connections into the Plan as the Council want to get direct feedback about how our sector can help in a practical sense (more below).

Do make a submission, of whatever length. It is important that our collective and individual expertise and ‘on the ground’ knowledge of our sector informs this Action Plan. Involve your board and advisors in the process (if you have them). The Strategic Action Plan will be setting the priorities and resourcing of our sector for 10 years, so it is worth investing the time now.


Here are the notes from the public meeting that the Creative Coalition called on 25 June, which may help you in formulating your submission.

The Creative Coalition is currently preparing a submission, which will be shared prior to sending to the Council. In summary, at this point in time, we are observing the following: 

#1 – Structure of ACSAP

We endorse the strategies, goals and action areas proposed in ACSAP and recognise their alignment with the Auckland Plan. However, we feel they should be regarded as an aspirational strategic framework that requires a robust integrated action plan to deliver. We feel this step is yet to be undertaken. We do not think that the Draft Plan is an action plan as such and strongly recommend both a change in nomenclature and the inclusion of a process outline of how an action plan will be developed.

We also note that there seems to be many differences in the languaging and approach between the summary ACSAP and full ACSAP and we would like an understanding of which is canonical. 

#2 – Action plan process

We recognise the work that has already been done to consult the sector, in order to deliver the strategic goals. The opportunity now exists to utilise those connections and relationships to build a robust action plan that truly will, through collaboration, support the realization of the goals and action areas. As well, the bringing together of stakeholders will deliver the partnerships that Council requires to deliver a credible Action Plan.

#3 – Review and evaluation

We are pleased to see that the sector has been recognized as a key driver and deliverer to the goals expressed in the Auckland Plan and we emphasise the enthusiasm of the sector to continue to contribute to these. However, we need to see a review process put in place that continues to analyse the impact of the sector, as well as assessing current gaps and opportunities in the existing infrastructure (both hard and soft). We do note that the ten year timeframe is too long and is lacking a review schedule, an outline of an evaluation process and success measures. 

#4 – Resourcing

We understand the limitations around allocating specific resources at this point. However, we recommend that a resource framework be developed that clarifies how Council agencies (Auckland Council, CCOs, local boards) and partners (as listed as stakeholders in the Draft Plan) will be called upon to contribute to building the capability and capacity within Auckland’s creative ecology to deliver this plan. This framework should be part of the document.

We have been informed that there is unlikely to be much additional investment into the sector from Council due to a tight rein on rate rates, and as such we also believe it to be important that priorities are included in the Plan or an intention to work with the stakeholders to establish priorities is expressed in the Plan.

#5 – Governance / roles and responsibilities

We note that Council is taking a whole ecology view through the implementation of this plan and envisages many stakeholders, agencies, organisations alongside its own delivery mechanisms. However, we also note that ACSAP does not make a comment about how the stakeholders will be brought together in a practical way to commit to leading and delivering parts of the plan, nor does it outline the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders to deliver on the plan. Ownership, oversight and leadership of ACSAP is also unclear and needs to be part of the final document.

Our mailing address is:
Creative Coalition
150 Karangahape Rd
Auckland, Akl 1010
New Zealand 

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