March 15, 2016


Since Theatreview commissioned SKM Digital to conduct the Theatreview User Survey back in January, we have been busy: 249 performing arts reviews commissioned & published of 217 productions, 290 reviews from all sources, published in just over 8 weeks!

Now we can take a moment to share the results. Below is the Overview and Summary of Findings. For the full report, with graphics, click here.

Note: Given the respondents were self-selected with strong opinions – for which we are extremely grateful! – we need to be aware that the survey does not represent a comprehensive sample of all users of Theatreview. If you have anything further to say, please feel free to use the Forum facility.
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completed for by SKM Digital



The survey was conducted so that a greater understanding of Theatreview’s user base could be reached. It was run from 18/1/2016 till 25/1/2016.

The data that is been collected by this survey has a number of purposes:

● To assist the Theatreview board in understanding its users.

● To provide data for grant applications.

● To provide data for the redesign project.

There were 159 responses to the survey as a whole that answered questions about audience make up, site usage, site usefulness.

There were four high level sections of questions which asked:

1. Who are you?

2. Why do you use the site?

3. How do you use the site?

4. Other comments.

This document provides a summary and recommendations for Theatreview. An analysis of each question is outlined in the sections below, and the raw data will be provided as a spreadsheet for further analysis by Theatreview.

Summary of findings

The information and data within the survey responses is well worth reviewing, especially the comments at the end. However SKM Digital believes that there are some key findings that Theatreview can act on as part of their intended redevelopment of the site. 

The audience of the site seems engaged, and keen for Theaterview to do well. Membership numbers and those who had given koha were quite high. Joining Theatreview could be made more compelling. 

Extending what membership provides may mean more people would join and may even be willing to pay for it. 

It seems that comments are generally found to be valuable, however very few people are making them. It would be worth investigating as to why that is, as the ability to engage with the reviews is seen as a good part of the site. However on the flipside the forum is seen as lacking.

Very few people use it and in the general comments section it was often mentioned that it should be removed.

Focusing on one of these areas, rather than both would be a better use of resources. It is recommended that it be via extending comments, rather than having a separate forum section.

The responses around the news, coming up and deadline sections implied that these features should all be wrapped up into a single section. News was considered valuable and useful, but the other two were not. They are not being used, and the information they convey could very easily be provided through a news item.

Unfortunately the feedback around the Performing Arts Directory is that it is not being used, and those that are using it are not finding it valuable. The number of people who could be members, but are not seems to indicate that this section of the site should be sidelined.

Potentially it should be treated as a separate entity.

The search engine was seen as difficult to use and the results not presented well. A focus of the redevelopment should be to address the search engine, so that users are getting better results which are more relevant to them.

The following quote from the last question sums up the feedback very well:

“At its core it’s still a review site, its greatest strength it should focus on. Don’t underestimate the power of presentation and a slick interface that’s well designed from a usability perspective.” 

Theatreview should focus on the reviews and allowing users to find those reviews more easily, while making them more accessible. The site’s place as an archive is seen as very important, as there is no other place this is provided for New Zealand performing arts.

The redesign and development is an opportunity for Theatreview to take this feedback on board and make changes to the site which address your users comments and concerns.  

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