September 23, 2016

Isaac Theatre Royal Wins Supreme Award at Champion Canterbury Business Awards 2016  

The Isaac Theatre Royal took top honours at the largest business awards in New Zealand for their significant efforts following the 2011 earthquakes. The iconic Christchurch theatre also took out the award for Retail/Hospitality Small Enterprise for ‘dynamic professionals providing a phenomenal customer experience’, before being recognised at the end of the night with The Press Champion Canterbury Supreme Small Enterprise Award.

The annual Champion Canterbury Business Awards were held on Wednesday evening, 21st September at a gala dinner at the Horncastle Arena in Christchurch. Now in their fourteenth year, the Champion Canterbury Business Awards recognise excellence, innovation and successes of businesses in Canterbury. Over 1100 people attended the event where 15 awards were presented.

The Isaac Theatre Royal sustained considerable damage in the 2011 earthquakes, but after a major $40M rebuild and restoration project, reopened to extensive national media and public acclaim in November 2014. Since reopening, the theatre’s business has continued to grow month-by-month, with over 180,000 patrons walking through the historic venue’s front doors.

After numerous building and design awards, the reopening of the Isaac Theatre Royal has now proved a winner for the popular venue itself, and for the wider performing arts in the recovering city centre. The ‘ITR’ now hosts over 300 performance days annually, with a massive 2017 season to be announced very soon, including the New Zealand premiere grand opening night of the iconic British TV classic ‘Fawlty Towers – Live Onstage’ on Wednesday 22nd February, the 6th anniversary date of the 2011 earthquake.

Isaac Theatre Royal Chief Executive Neil Cox said the win is significant as it underlined the fact that it is not only about the rebuild, but recognises the hard work from a dedicated team to ensure that once the doors open, the public experience becomes the most important factor.

“We are absolutely thrilled! There were so many businesses on the night who equally deserved to be Champions, and will be in the years ahead. A huge thank you however must go to the whole ITR team, our ever growing client list, and every patron who has walked through our front doors. Thank you for all the heartfelt congratulations we have received from so many Cantabrians and we look forward to seeing you at the ITR again soon.”

The Isaac Theatre Royal is the premiere theatrical venue for hosting performing arts in Christchurch for Canterbury and the South Island  

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