December 11, 2018

ATC Honcho

Dean Parker       posted 10 Dec 2018, 06:21 PM

I see from Theatreview that “SEARCH BEGINS FOR NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE AT AUCKLAND THEATRE COMPANY.” I’ve decided to apply. I’ve just been reading Nicholas Hytner’s account of his time at the English National Theatre. When he takes over, in 2002, he begins preparing the next year’s season and asks what new plays are lying around. He pursues established writers for new plays. He asks around about any new generation of writers with new plays. He calls in writers and asks for plays about problems facing the country. “We try to wind playwrights up to share our sense of urgency…” he writes. “They pitch ideas to us and we encourage them to write the play that sounds most interesting to us. Sometimes we say we want their next play whatever it is…” He asks David Hare for a play on the invasion of Iraq. When the editor of the News of the World is arrested and charged with wire-tapping, he commissions Richard Bean to write a made-up play that parallels the trial—with two endings, as the trial drags on and rehearsals have to commence. He runs a theatre that keeps up with the news and becomes part of the news. And in his first year of programming—combined with a cheap-seating scheme—he runs to 98% houses. I reckon this is the way to go. So I shall apply for the job. I’m the man they want. Meanwhile I shall have another glass of this rather good Napier Creek red.

Sam Brooks         posted 11 Dec 2018, 12:51 PM

Dean, I think what you’re thinking of is an Artistic Director, not a Chief Executive, which is the job Auckland Theatre is looking to fill and requires a different but no less important than shown in your anecdote. Enjoy the Napier Red!

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