January 30, 2020


Theatreview is grateful for Funding from Creative New Zealand, covering:

  • John Smythe as Theatre Editor nationwide (including Auckland post-Covid, pending future funding) and as Managing Editor
  • Raewyn Whyte as Dance Editor nationwide
  • Sascha Monteiro as our Webmaster, and
  • Cost of keeping the website online.

Theatreview also enjoys funding from:

  • the Wellington City Council, to ensure coverage of Wellington’s professional performing arts, and
  • the Nikau Foundation for further editorial costs.

Donations from supporters through PressPatron – for which were are enormously grateful – are essential for covering further expenses, sometimes unforeseen. 

As live venues close due to the Covid19 pandemic, Theatreview is keen to preview and review all ‘live-to-online’ performing arts productions.
Please email details to john@theatreview.org.nz (theatre) and raewyn@theatreview.org.nz (dance).

The Theatreview Trust aspires to being able to pay reviewers but until we find a sustainable source of funding for this, we remain grateful – on behalf of all visitors to Theatreview – that they are willing to contribute for the return of two comps for each show they review.

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