February 8, 2022

The dance community of Aotearoa/NZ recently said farewell to dance doyenne Dorothea Ashbridge. She was a wonderful classical performer in her earlier years and a beloved teacher to many, in particular Limbs Dance Company. Dr Marianne Schultz has compiled this obituary for a seminal figure. ‘A consummate artist with undying passion and knowledge of ballet, or as her student Douglas Wright MNZM described her, a ‘mythic character with a formidable reputation’, Dorothea shared her gifts and wisdom with thousands of professionals and students for over fifty years, always with a twinkle in her eye and polish on her nails.’

https://mailchi.mp/elephantpublicity/dorothea-ashbridge-obituary-media-release-correction?e=da3193f746Though small in stature, Dorothea’s shadow looms large over generations of dancers in Aotearoa New Zealand and her legacy lives on in the dances and dancers of today.

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