September 24, 2022



For our 2023 production, we will be presenting The Tempest at the Dell in the Botanic Gardens, directed by Megan Evans.  

This production will explore the nuanced and complex interrelationships of human and more-than-human residents of this beautiful planet we humans must learn to share less selfishly. Shakespeare’s Tempest has been a star vehicle for the actor playing Prospero. But perhaps the time for ‘star turns’ should have ended long ago. In casting this production, we will work to ensure that everyone feels they have enough.

Major roles will be shared (tag-team or alternating nights) and all actors will be expected to contribute to the ensemble. Puppetry will likely be employed for Ariel and Caliban; the tender and terrifying ambiguity between puppeteer and performing object serving as a theatrical device through which to question our love of/power over/subjugation to the more-than-human world. In addition, as a company we will commit to exploring ‘enough’ through choices in our personal lives to supplement doing what we can to limit the environmental impact of our production choices.

Directors Note

“Enough? What does ‘enough’ look, sound, feel, taste, smell like? In The Tempest, Shakespeare’s Prospero is an occupier, an enslaver, a revenge-seeker. Yet as he achieves many of his goals, he starts to see some of the limits on his powers. By the end of the play, he voluntarily sets down his ‘supernatural’ powers, accepts his own flawed humanity as ‘enough’ and opens space for healing to begin.

“We need to change everything.

“To change everything, we need everyone. We need climate scientists and sociologists. But we also need actors and artists to help imagine new ways –wider, fairer, co-creative ways of preparing together for the tempests to come.”

Looking to work hard together to make something hopeful and beautiful?!
Please join us for auditions on the 15th and 16th of October.

Show dates: 11th – 26th February 2023

What to prepare:

1. A short monologue from Shakespeare (1-2 min) If you know something already, it’s fine to use that! If you will work on something new, please choose something from The Tempest.

2. A short song or other skill – puppeteering welcome

3. Read the play if you can, or at least a plot summary

This is an unpaid opportunity.

Please head to our website below for more information and how to book an audition slot.

For more information, please contact Jo Marsh at

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