October 7, 2024

Comment posted to review of SGCNZ National Shakespeare Schools Production 2024 – “Very worthy of support

Dawn Sanders October 7th, 2024

The very positive review of SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production with thanks to Alister McDonald. However, as was mentioned from stage and in the programme, the University of Otago only ever provided in-kind the valued in-kind support for SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production – a 9-day event for the 46 student actors and student-directors from our 24 Regional and National Shakespeare Festivals, plus a winner for each of our Costume Design and Music Composition Competitions.

The loss of sponsorship is far wider that this in-kind support. The University has sadly withdrawn its significant cash and in-kind sponsorship of its 24 nationwide Regional and National Festivals – which now are in risk of not being able to continue unless this amount is found from another funder/s. In addition, as the Sheilah Winn Trusts’ have reduced their funding extensively, we are urgently looking to rebrand the Festivals. This can include new naming rights. Please get in touch with me if you can help or provide contacts. Our enormously keen and enthusiastic rangatahi certainly want and deserve the plethora of opportunities SGCNZ provides.

“This has most certainly been the most enriching experience of my life and I have absorbed so much from it, as have all my other fellow Shakey Sponges.” Aadit

Please contact Dawn Sanders: dawn@sgcnz.org.nz with any possible ‘offers’.

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