Kevin Gillese and Arlen Konopaki: SCRATCH (Canada)

The Transmission Room, Auckland

29/04/2008 - 03/05/2008

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

Kevin Gillese and Arlen Konopaki: SCRATCH (Canada)


Two actors. Dozens of characters. Multiple storylines. No scripts. This fast-paced improve show has stunned audiences across America and Europe . You’ve never seen anything like it. Itching for something hilarious? Scratch

Scratch first fell from the heavens in a blaze of white light at the Edmonton Fringe festival in 2005. Originally featuring Stephen Kent and Arlen Konopaki (Kevin Gillese was the official swing member) the show was a hit. However when Steve was offered a dream gig out east at Stratford Kevin stepped forward to fill his handsome shoes. Since then Kevin and Arlen have been work-shopping the show, continuing to study improv with masters from around the planet and touring Scratch all over the country. Highlights so far include: stunning the stoners at Vancouver’s International Improv Festival, getting NOW Magazine’s Pick of the Fringe and EYE Magazine’s Best of the Fringe in Toronto, and winning Improv Idol to be crowned champions of improv in Winnipeg.

"The best improv show I’ve ever seen." – Vue Magazine 

"…energetic, surprising, filled with sharp jokes. Scratch delivers on all counts" – CBC, Canada 

"…hospitalization worthy hilarity" – TORONTO SUN, Canada 

"If laughter is the best medicine, prepare to overdose" – THE EYE, Canada 

Dates: April 29th – May 3rd, 8.30pm
Venue: Transmission Room, Cnr Mayoral Drive and Queen Street, City
Tickets: Adult $24 / Conc $19 / Groups 6+ $19  (service fees may apply)
Bookings: 0800 TICKETEK (0800 842 5385)

Show Duration: 1 hour 

1hr, no interval

Missed their end more than once

Review by Kate Ward-Smythe 30th Apr 2008

Scratch is a two-man Improv. team from Canada. Their show is totally devised, made up on the spot, using suggestions given from the audience at the top of the night. Sound familiar? It is.

Kevin Gillese & Arlen Konopaki come from an acting background, have been improvising for years and draw on that depth of experience and expertise for each show.

However, this is no guarantee each night will be a winner from start to finish. While their professionalism and skill results in good laughs and entertaining moments, unfortunately Scratch’s debut performance in Auckland, was one of those uneven nights where good comedy was nestled in amongst some pretty average and lengthy set ups and scenes.

On the up side, Konopaki’s elastic body and facial expressions are something to behold, and Gillese came up with some classic one-liners, all of which resulted in fine moments.

Good comedy was also extracted from the on-going technical issues Konopaki had with his head-mic. While it caused him increasing frustration, from the audience’s perspective, the way the crew and Gillese’s helped him deal with it, was both impressive and entertaining.

On the downside, so many new storylines and gratuitous characters sprouted up, that the actors forgot the names, accents, and physicality of core characters, missing opportunities to bring them together and advance the initial stories sooner.

"Meanwhile", even using the easy device of breaking character and stepping forward as narrators, to get back on track and save scenes from disappearing down a black hole, the show just got too rambling and disconnected.

Finally, Scratch missed their end more than once. Show duration is advertised as 1 hour. Admittedly we got underway slightly later than 8.30pm, and after getting the audience’s suggestions etc, we didn’t actually get into the Improv. till 8.50pm. But by 9.50pm, I was well past caring how all the loose ends would come together (or not). Perhaps a red cue light would help them keep on track.

Scratch are up against some stiff competition in this festival, including some fine home ground Improv. shows. But if that’s your thing, make sure you see these guys. Scratch are very clever and have enjoyed success and popularity in Canada – I’m sure they’ll settle in and sharpen up.


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