Mangere Arts Centre, Auckland

24/09/2014 - 27/09/2014

Production Details

Kinetic Wayfinding Theatre Company presents a 2014 season of the powerful play Music and Me.  Written & Directed by talented playwright Victoria Schmidt, Music and Me is an important work that shares a much needed voice.

Set in present day South Auckland, Music and Me is a slice of urban Kiwiana that gives insight into the gritty world of the Manurewa nightlife . After the turn of the millennium, the streets of Manurewa though previously blanketed by feared youth gangs, have also now become home and hub to the growing phenomenon of street prostitution.

Music and Me reflects a world that runs deeper than the happy, bustling crowds at the popular flea market stalls; and follows the lives of a surrogate street family who struggle to make something of their existence.

See details of 2012 production.

“Raw, touching, elegiac, brave human story that gives insight into the world of those on the fringes of society”.

“Courageous play a thought-provoking masterpiece”. – Theatreview

“This well – written and observed piece, should be seen by all.” – Theatrescenes

“A courageous play that brings the hard lives of the desperate and forgotten to the stage.” – Theatreview

“Both the writing and the production have a raw, unrefined edge” – The Dominion Post 

“Young and unquestionably talented young writer.” – Capital Times

Aisea Latu, Junior Misimoa, Raukawa Tuhura, Jessica Ieli Tuivaiti and Darren Taniue. 

WHEN:  September 24th – 27th 7.30pm. 
WHERE:  Mangere Arts Centre – Ngā Tohu o Uenuku, Corner Orly Avenue & Bader Drive 
Phone: (09) 262 5789 | Fax: (09) 275 5919

COST: Waged: $20.00, Unwaged: $10.00 | Groups (6+): $18.00.
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Heartfelt story undermined by direction

Review by Dione Joseph 26th Sep 2014

The first ten minutes of MUSIC AND ME are not the best. The performers seem taut, the energy ricocheting in different direction across a very large and somewhat scattered set, and the opening rap solo, although good, doesn’t offer the context that it promises. 

Luckily, once the initial awkwardness is past, the story and the actors come into their own. 

It’s not an unfamiliar story: abuse, desperation, abandonment – these are issues that our society and our people face every day in different guises – but Victoria Schmidt’s multi-genre work brings a familiar face to what is often seen in the media as somebody else’s problem. 

This is a moving story of two young youngsters trying to break out of the cycle of hopelessness and live a life that is not determined by the judgment of others – even those whom they’ve considered friends. Schmidt’s storyline is simple and yet it is far from a simple story. 

Ricky (Aisea Latu) and Alex (Jessica Ieli Tuivaiti) are best friends, united as they combat drug abuse, homelessness, the desire to steal (sometimes just a ham so as to have a proper Christmas) and a world that doesn’t believe in second chances. They are joined by the transient, crippled Mr J (Junior Misimoa) who is their moral compass, often didactic but mostly endearing and the lone voice who supports the distrusted youth, and the highly camp hair dressers Deshanel (Raukawa Tuhura) and Troy (Darren Taniue) whose salon provides the perfect nexus for much of the action. 

The story is heartfelt, the performers good – particularly Tuivaiti and Misimoa – and although not brilliant, the set, costume and lighting designs serve the story well enough. However, despite these strengths the work is occasionally compromised by a range of factors that prevent it from being exceptional in its current incarnation. 

The most obvious of these is in the direction. Running at almost 90 minutes the performance is a tad too long and splintered by a meandering narrative that lacks the momentum to ensure the story is propelled forward at the pace it deserves. The actors, while clearly talented, often appear to be struggling to maintain the pace and energy, dropping into troughs of inaudible confessional whispers or alternating it with shouting matches that serve to alienate rather than engage.

Furthermore, clumsy and unimaginative blocking works against developing dynamic relationships on stage between the characters, causing some of the segues to be much longer than they need to be. 

While the majority of the accents are excellent, the highly exaggerated American affectation that is adopted is very distracting from what is otherwise a good performance by Tuhura and the choreography inserted at somewhat random moments seems to be there for no better reason than to stage a bit of feel-good moment. If MUSIC AND ME is an attempt at a fertilization between drama and musical it is yet in its embryonic phase.

However, despite these issues the writing itself has moments of poignancy (notably Tuivati’s second solo rap which is admirably delivered) and although Schmidt occasionally descends into didactic phrases that appear heavily forced and out of character, it is nevertheless evocative and colloquial.

The metaphor of the dancer twirling to a tune that gives her ‘no freedom’ is overdone and although it initially demonstrates potential, it unfortunately becomes clichéd and somewhat ironic, almost an excuse for accepting the treatment meted out by an unforgiving world.

Yet amidst the desolation, friendship seems to endure. Despite compromise and lies, forgiveness – the play argues – enables us to move forward. Somewhat convoluted towards the rather ambiguous end (we are not sure if justice is ever dealt or individuals held accountable), what is apparent is that ultimately the truth is important, especially between friends, and this can serve to transform not only how we live but how we see ourselves living in our world. 

A Kinetic Wayfinding Theatre production, MUSIC AND ME is an excellent example of bringing local stories to the stage in creative and powerful ways and is essential for audiences, across Auckland, to see, hear and – most importantly – to feel them.


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