March 24, 2008

Hi everyone

As most of you will know we’re applying for lotteries funding and our application to is due by the end of this month. It’s critical for Q Theatre to get funding if we’re to start building by the end of this year. We believe we’re in with a good chance (especially as our resource consent is expected in a matter of days!) and your support to prove our case would go down very nicely. What we need is a very loud and strong message of support from the community.

So here’s how you can help RIGHT NOW.

Please read the statement of support below. Then do one or all of the following:

1.      Copy the statement, add your name and an identifier (e.g. Russell Crowe, Actor, Musician and Rugby Club Owner) and EMAIL to

2.  Do all of the above, but add your own personal message

3.  Do all the above, and also FORWARD to your friends.

4.  Write a personal letter of support (click here) and POST it to us,
(by Thurs 27 March, please) to:
Q Theatre
PO Box 7263
Wellesley St, Auckland

Here’s the statement you’re endorsing:

"We are the community that supports Q Theatre.

We believe a mid-sized theatre of 350-460 seats is what is needed in Auckland right now.

We support Q Theatre’s vision of a world-class flexible venue that is a home to artists and a destination for audiences seeking accessible and inspiring live performance. The concept is tested, the design is strong and the destination is brilliant. We believe this theatre will be able to serve this and future generations of New Zealanders very well.

We ask for your support in building this theatre for the performing arts where artists and audiences can meet and where great new ideas will happen."

If you would like to express your support for Q in a more specific way by writing a letter we’ve attached a useful reference document listing notes of the arguments we’ve heard in favour of Q – why it’s needed and what it will do.

Let’s get this theatre built! And, as always, give us a call if you have any questions or comments: (09) 309 8324

Susanne, Catherine & all of us at Q Theatre.

To get the Q Theatre story so far…
Ph: 309 8324; Level 11, Wellesley Centre, 44-52 Wellesley St, Auckland.
We’d like to make sure you’re still happy receiving notices from us, so please, if you no longer want to hear about Q Theatre’s progress, just reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.

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