May 13, 2011

 Call for Directors

The Summer Shakespeare Trust is seeking a director for the 2012 Summer Shakespeare Production.
Directors will be asked to choose from one of the following plays:
Twelfth Night, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The production will take place in an outdoor venue,17th February – 2nd March 2012, following a preview season at Gladstone Vineyard, Wairarapa, 9th – 11th February 2012. Rehearsals will take place over summer from mid November in Wellington.
Please note, this a two part selection process—only expressions of interest are sought at present.
A short list will be determined from all expressions of interest received and those directors will then be contacted and invited to prepare a full pitch. This should include:
  •  Reasons behind play selection
  • Approach to working with a cast and design team drawn mainly from students and recent graduates
  • Working with an outdoor venue (and also including an alternative wet-weather venue)
  • Overall concept for the production.
Prospective directors are expected to have some sense of the Summer Shakespeare ethos and background.
This is a paid position (fee negotiable) with a high-level of responsibility.
If you would like to register your interest, please email a cover letter indicating your play of choice and a CV to by 31st May 2011.
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