May 9, 2013


Young playwrights change the WORLD!

The annual PLAYMARKET PLAYWRIGHTS b4 25 competition challenges young playwrights (ages 24 and under)to write aboutanything that matters to them in any way they like, for any kind of audience they like. 

PLAYMARKET,an agency and service organisation forNew Zealand playwrights, is delighted to announce the winning playwrights and we congratulate them and all who submitted.


JESS SAYER for her play Elevator

Elevator is the story of three women – each with a very dangerous secret. When they are all trapped in a broken-down elevator, keeping their secrets becomes harder than any of them thought.


SAM BROOKS for his play Queen

This play explores the contradictions, difficulties and joys of being a young gay man in today’s society. It is angry, funny and unflinching.

Both playwrights have previously been winners in this competition. Jess in 2011 and Sam in 2012. Since entries to the 2013 competition closed both plays have received productions onstage at Auckland’s Basement theatre.

The judges awarded special mention to:

Cassandra Tse for her musical political satire Right Dishonourable

The winners will receive development assistance for their playwriting from Playmarket.

Please see for information on this annual competition.

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