November 11, 2013


Have your final say on our Dance Review 

During 2013 Creative New Zealand reviewed its funding programmes, priorities and initiatives for supporting New Zealand dance. 

The review sought and considered feedback from the dance sector. A draft report with proposed changes to how we support dance is now being circulated for your comment. It discusses issues identified during the review and asks some questions for final feedback. 

These questions can be answered in an online survey, by sending an email to or in hard copy to: 
Dance Review
Creative New Zealand
PO Box 3806

The deadline for replies is 5 pm on Friday 22 November 2013.

Please feel free to forward this message to people you know who have an interest in the development and support of New Zealand dance. 

Once we have considered the responses to the questions, a final report will be considered by the Arts Council. 

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to the dance review.

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