April 22, 2015


The Summer Shakespeare Trust (Wellington) is seeking a Director for the 2016 Summer Shakespeare production

Directors will be asked to choose from one of the following plays:

Henry VIII 

Julius Caesar 

Love’s Labour’s Lost 

The Comedy of Errors 

Much Ado About Nothing 

The production will take place at:
Gladstone Vineyard, Wairarapa: 4th – 6th February and
The Dell, Wellington Botanic Gardens from 12th – 27th February 2016. 

Planning for the production will begin in June 2015, with rehearsals taking place over the summer period in Wellington. 

Please note – this is a two part selection process with expressions of interest only, being sought at present.

A short list will be determined from all expressions of interest received and those directors will then be contacted and invited to prepare a full pitch for an interview in late May 2015.  This full pitch will include:

  • reasons for the selection of play;
  • how they would approach working with a cast and design team drawn mainly from students and recent graduates;
  • how they would work with Gladstone Vineyard, the Dell and two alternative wet-weather venues;

as well as a general sense of their overall concept for the production.   

Following these interviews, the director for the 2016 production would be appointed in early June 2015. 

This is a paid position with a high-level of responsibility.  Applicants not based in Wellington are responsible for travel and associated expenses. Prospective directors are expected to have a strong sense of the Summer Shakespeare ethos and background. 

If you are interested, please email a cover letter indicating your play of choice and a CV to Sally Thorburn sally@summershakespeare.co.nz by 5pm Friday 15th May 2015.

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