February 5, 2016

The Theatre NOW Project: New Work Generator – Join us for 2016  

Are you a writer, actor, director, or producer passionate about developing new ideas, stories, and exploding open theatrical possibilities?  

The Theatre NOW Project facilitates a community of theatre-makers and peers interested in making new work that resonates with our contemporary local and global world. This is the second year we are running the project and we are putting the call out for new members to join us.  

What are the issues of now? Why should we care? How do they affect people? How can live performance respond?  

Theatre NOW meets monthly on a Saturday at the Limelight in the Aotea Centre, with support from Auckland Live. Sessions are free for members.

Each workshop begins with a discussion forum where participants share their ideas. The day is then divided into sessions where we work on different people’s projects. What we do depends on what the project needs and its stage of development: sometimes we read scenes, sometimes we devise on the floor, sometimes we’ll brainstorm and generate material. Other members of the group become dramaturgs and devisors, feeding in ideas. 

Aims & Values

Play: Create an environment for risk, play and action. Come and try out ideas safely.

Generosity: You have the unique ability to present ideas at the beginning of development to a “brains trust” to help strengthen the kaupapa and gain some different directions. We have smart theatremakers in the room who are generous in providing feedback and inspiration.

Rigour & Relevance: We aim to help each other articulate the “why?” and “why now?” behind each other’s ideas. We want to make each other’s work better – a rigorous approach where we challenge and support each other.

Flexibility: We use both writing and devising principles to support the development of the ideas, we adapt to what will be support each project.

Collaboration & Community: We have wide-ranging conversations about theatre form and practise and the Auckland theatre landscape. It can be easy to become isolated – our approach recognises the strength of working together as a larger theatre community.

Renewal: Theatre Now is the place to come back to each month to get inspired and re-invigorated. We want to kick-start multiple works and projects.

We aim to provide an avenue for ongoing conversation, development and support of these projects. While we have no set outcomes – this is a project of discovery – work can continued be developed through the group to full concept/script. This year we plan to organise two ‘pitching’ days to invited industry guests.

Workshop Dates

Our dates for the first half of the year are the following Saturdays, 9:30am-5:00pm at the Limelight, Aotea Centre, Auckland.  

  • Feb 27
  • March 26
  • April 23
  • May 28
  • June 25

Feedback from 2015 participants:

“An awesome way to connect with other practitioners through their vision of what they want theatre to be.” – Victoria Abbott

“A space where like-minded theatremakers from all backgrounds can discuss and practice their ideas. I’ve had a play read by actors, done some improv, and sometimes just sat back and listened, which has all been helpful for getting the creative juices flowing” – Nathan Joe.

“I have found Theatre Now to be really beneficial. The group is diverse and the members bring a range of skills and interests to our sessions, which encourages wide-ranging and fruitful discussions. Sessions have structure and focus, allowing all members to participate in meaningful ways and to engage with a range of projects. The safe and supportive environment allows us to take risks and try new things. Theatre Now is an excellent initiative, with potential to develop into a significant part of theatre development in this city and beyond.” – Amber McWilliams

“A pragmatic approach to supporting and developing theatre-makers, Theatre Now is the monthly workshop/think-tank you never knew you were missing out on. In an industry that is always attempting to provide ‘safe spaces’ to experiment, Theatre Now is one that nails it”. – Ryan Dulieu

If this sounds like you, please send expressions of interest by 21 February to James Wenley at theatreoflove@gmail.com

(1) Detail your background in theatre (or send us your CV) and
(2) Briefly answer: Why would you like to be involved in the Theatre Now Project? 

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