July 13, 2016

Performing, Writing: A symposium in four turns imagines how a text can be conceptualised, written, presented and figured with equal or more contingency and responsiveness to temporal and corporeal happenings, and vice versa. What creative, dialogic, autobiographical or alternative writing approaches might elicit a text that engages with the plurality of affects of an artwork? How might a creative work be informed, inspired, directed, scripted or critiqued with the same respect for live-ness that unfolds spatially as it does textually? How might these parallel practices inhabit space symbiotically? How might a new culture of criticality develop in between acts of “performing through”?

The symposium wll take place in Wellington during March 2017. For full details  –  see http://www.adsa.edu.au/news/2016/07/13/performance-writing-a-symposium-in-four-turns-march-2017-wellington/

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