November 1, 2018

Open Call – Worldwide Tender  

THEATERTREFFEN STÜCKEMARKT 2019 by Berliner Festspiele  

Where are the artists who turn the rules, forms and aesthetics of the theatre upside down, challenge them, think differently and develop new texts, forms and formats?

Under the heading “What happens after the protest?” Stückemarkt is searching for work that goes beyond descriptions of a status quo, imagines possi­ble futures and seeks new forms of artistic-activist interference. For the first time Stückemarkt is asking artists worldwide to submit work addressing questions that go further than romanticizing revolts but rather pursue the question of what other worlds could possibly look like.

Stückemarkt’s jury of renowned international artists will select a total of five texts / performances from among the submissions.

One of the invited playwrights/performance groups will be awarded the Stückemarkt commission, funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb). The commission consists of the oppor­tunity to realize a production at a theatre in Germany.

Stückemarkt Jury 2019

Mette Ingvartsen choreographer and dancer (Brussels, Belgium)

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins playwright (New York, USA) Amir Reza Koohestani director and playwright (Teheran, Iran) Wiebke Puls actress (Munich, Germany) Maria Nübling dramaturge and head of Stückemarkt (Berlin, Germany)

Various forms of authorship lead to a theatre piece, so both theatre texts and performances, such as forms of devised theatre, site-specific projects, theatrical interventions, narrative spaces or projects based on documentary material as well as performances conceived at the interface of various artistic disciplines can be submitted. We are particularly interested in young authors and artists who, in the sense of an expanded concept of authorship, explore new narrations and perspectives and develop innovative, world-building languages. The selected texts / performances will be presented as part of Theatertreffen’s programme in May 2019. Page 2 of 5

Every year in May Theatertreffen, the most important German theatre festival, convenes theatre makers, journalists and guests from around the globe in Berlin. At Theatertreffen’s core are ten “remarkable theatre productions”, which are selected every year by an independent jury of critics from around 400 productions in the German-language region.

Since 1978 Stückemarkt has been an integral part of Theatertreffen. As the oldest initiative for promoting contemporary playwriting in German-speaking countries – and as of 2012 also performance art – it has been successfully engaged in the long-term support and development of playwrights and performance artists for over 40 years. Stückemarkt is a forum for exchange between international playwrights, performance artists, theatre-makers, festival curators, publishers and critics.


Berliner Festspiele – Theatertreffen – Stückemarkt
Maria Nübling, Stephanie Richter
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin
Phone + 49 (0)30 254 89 – 231 / 200


Theatertreffen takes place from 3 – 19 May 2019

The Programme

An invitation to Stückemarkt includes:

  • a presentation of the selected work at Theatertreffen-Stückemarkt in May 2019
  • stay in Berlin and participation in Stückemarkt events (workshops, artist talks, networking events and more)
  • the presentation of the artists in the form of artist talks
  • exchange and networking with international theatre makers, directors, curators, artists, playwrights, critics and editors
  • opportunities to see theatre productions invited to Theatertreffen and Stückemarkt as well as participation in Theatertreffen events

Conditions for Participation at Stückemarkt 2019

Theatre makers from all over the world can apply; they should be at the beginning of their careers.

  • every theatre maker can only submit one play or performance
  • the submitted work may not be older than one and a half years at the time of the application
  • theatres, publishing houses, universities and academies can also submit plays / performances

The following work can be submitted:

1. Theatre texts: They should not have been premiered in the German-speaking area before June 2019. However, an agreement already made for a premiere after May 2019 is not an exclusion criterion. During the selection process, authors are obliged to inform Stückemarkt of any changes in the status of the work. Theatre texts can be submitted in English or German.

2. Theatre projects / performances: these should be fully completed. Their submission should be in the form of a clear recording of a performance (video recording in the original language, with German or English subtitles) and the notated text of the project in German or English.

Other necessary documents for 1. and 2. (in German or English):

  • a short summary of the play or description of the performance / project
  • a short artistic CV in tabular form
  • a relevant letter of recommendation from a person working in theatre or in the cultural or academic field – if possible with reference to the submitted work (max. 1 page)
  • completed submission form which you can find on our website
  • the documents should be attached to the e-mail as individual PDF documents with appropriate designation

Additional necessary documents for 2. (in German or English):

  • a technical rider including a budget for a guest performance For the presentation of your budget, please make use of the template available on our website
  • a production plan for any necessary adaptations of the project for a performance in Berlin (for example the adaptations necessary for site-specific projects)

Please send your complete application – text files in PDF-format and links to performance recordings – per e-mail to:  

At the same time, please fill out the registration form.

Deadline for applications: 11 November 2018

Jury decision: February 2019

Please see our website for more information about the Stückemarkt and the festival: 

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