March 27, 2020

PANNZ Arts Market MONDAY HUIS online in partnership with Auckland Live  

From Monday 30 March we have a place for you to be.   

Tēnā koutou,  

PANNZ, in partnership with Auckland Live, would like to invite the creative sector from across Aotearoa to come together in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  

A national arts and cultural events response network has convened an online hui for 11am, Monday, 30 March. This is the first in a series of weekly online gatherings for the arts and cultural events community which will be held at the same time, every Monday, over the next month.

The regular hui will be a chance for us to gather remotely, connect and get up to date as a community. The first, facilitated by Jo Randerson, Artistic Director of Barbarian Productions will focus on the Creative New Zealand emergency response funding announced earlier this week, and its effect on arts workers. Alongside Jo will be Cath Cardiff, Senior Manager Arts Development Services at Creative New Zealand, Megan Peacock-Coyle, PANNZ Chair and Manager of Toitoi – Hawkes Bay Arts and Events Centre, and Cat Ruka (Ngāpuhi, Waitaha), Artistic Director of Tempo Dance Festival.

You can join via the Facebook event or via Youtube 

You will be able to watch the hui live, which will be recorded and made available for those that are unable to join. During the live stream, you will be able to ask questions via the comment threads, on the Facebook event and on Youtube. We will do our best to respond to these during the hui, or gather them into common themes to be answered afterwards.

A personal message from PANNZ CEO Louise Gallagher. 

“It is now time for the industry to regroup, find a place we can come together again to support each other. We have seen and heard from so many of you over the last week or so. My phone has been running hot, with the stories and impact that has affected artists, production staff, administrators, artistic directors and venue managers. The devastating impact over the last two weeks, tells me that every one of us is hurting.

We will rebuild as an industry; we all know that but, in the meantime, we have to look out for each other.

The NZ performing arts industry is a very special industry with many many incredible people. We are highly connected, and we genuinely care about each other – whether you have a job title or not, making work or not. We all rely on each other, so let’s continue to do that by regularly checking in.

For those who recently experienced the PANNZ Arts Market, we want to carry on that feeling of being connected, communicating important news and information. This weekly online hui is a place for us to reconnect, hear from people in our industry, hear updates and give you the chance to ask questions and seek advice from our panel members.”

Please share this message with your networks. Everyone is invited to the hui, and welcome to attend and contribute. You are not alone. We are in this together. He waka eke noa. 

Ngā mihi,

The Arts Market is produced by PANNZ, the Performing Arts Network of New Zealand, with special thanks to Creative New Zealand.  

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