December 5, 2007

Unpublished ‘classics’ of the NZ stage

Mia Judkins         posted 22 Nov 2007, 09:38 AM

I had great fun this year helping to publish the first two books in the New Zealand Play Series. In fact, the books (by Gary Henderson and Toa Fraser) arrived at Playmarket just a couple of days ago!

I couldn’t believe Skin Tight or No. 2 hadn’t been published yet! And I know there are more plays like that.

But it got me thinking, who should be next? Who are New Zealand’s publishing-neglected playwrights?

Simon Bennett posted 22 Nov 2007, 02:11 PM

In my opinion, Ken Duncum, definitely. I would love to see Blue Sky Boys and Flipside published (I directed the inaugural productions of both these plays). I also think Cherish and Picture Perfect are deserving of publication. Maybe all four plays would work in an anthology. Also James Beaumont. Wild Cabbage, Blood For Tuppence and Black Halo were formative experiences for me in the theatre in the late ’80s – and unique pieces of work.

Brian Hotter       posted 23 Nov 2007, 09:19 AM / edited 5 Dec 2007, 10:18 PM

Good news Simon.  Ken’s Cherish, Horseplay, Flipside and Trick of the Light have all being published by Victoria University Press.


Playmarket Administrator             posted 5 Dec 2007, 07:21 PM / edited 5 Dec 2007, 10:18 PM

Plays 1: Small Towns and Sea (Horseplay, Flipside, Trick of the Light) by Ken Duncum co-published by The Play Press and Victoria University Press, 2005.

You can purchase any of these titles by visiting our online bookshop:

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