February 14, 2009

Henry Reigns Supreme

Dawn Sanders   posted 14 Feb 2009, 11:06 PM / edited 16 Feb 2009, 12:24 PM

Totally concur with your well deserved and described review of Summer Shakespeare’s Henry V, John. Fantastic start to Wellington’s contributions to SGCNZ’s Compleate Workes 2009.

Having seen this Henry  at the Kernohan’s Gladstone Vineyard (in 33oC) and in Wellington (in 13oC  or thereabouts!) the quality and total sincerity of acting, clever staging by direct David Lawrence and team are so consistent and commendable, everyone who has ever considered going to a Shakespeare production should not miss this stand-out production.

For SGCNZ it is exciting to see David, who was in its first Sheilah Winn Festivals of Shakespeare in Schools, engage so many of our Alumni – Alex Grieg (in the Festival in 1996) as Henry; Allan Henry  as the striking Fight Choreographer and Constable; stunning Alison Walls, Louise Burston, Jackson Coe, Fiona McNamara, Karin Reinholt, Ralph Upton who have been NSSP/SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company members and all those other names I recall typing into Festival programmes…even our volunteers, Tony Catford , Mike Brady and Suzie Evans – in their various roles. ..and Production Manager, Simon Vincent.

Shakespeare is certainly alive and Very well in his infinite variety. Congrats to the entire Henry team, including Producer Jacqueline Coats, who will be an SGCNZ NSSP Director this year. Now check out the website www.compleateworkes.co.nz for Evensongs on 22 Feb and a plethora of Shakespeare to relish all year! – Dawn Sanders CEO SGCNZ & Manager Compleate Workes 2009

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