
Inch Bar, 8 Bank St, Northeast Valley, Dunedin

20/03/2024 - 23/03/2024

Dunedin Fringe Festival 2024

Production Details

Craig Westenberg - Writer and Performer

Jam-packed with storytelling, jokes and observational humour, Craigslist is the debut solo hour of rising New Zealand comedian Craig Westenberg.

Known for his clever wit, commanding stage presence and being extravagantly funny, Craig Westenberg sets out to find not only himself but what the last five years of his life have meant, touching on moving cities, dating during a pandemic, and exploring how he went from reporting the news to being in the news.  As the show progresses, the list turns over and each new page brings a new set of experiences, jokes and stories that all help piece together the puzzle of who Craig really is.

March 20th – 23rd Inch Bar, Dunedin, 9pm

Comedy , Theatre , Stand-up comedy , Solo ,

60 minutes

Wellingon City Council
Auckland City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust