Wedlock: A Drag Wedding

Old St Paul's, Wellington

28/09/2024 - 28/09/2024

Production Details

Written, Directed and Produced by Hannah (AKA Willy SmacknTush) & Em Darling


Set in the iconic Old St Paul’s Cathedral as part of the Heritage New Zealand Rainbow List project, Wedlock will be the first time Drag has ever been performed in the venue. Come and be part of history in the making.

Wedlock – A Drag Wedding at Old St Pauls is a production unlike anything Wellington audiences have seen before. Award winning producer Willy SmacknTush brings together an ensemble cast of the capital’s most infamous Drag artists to take you through a haunting tale of love, lust, drama and DRAG.

Bare witness to the morbid matrimony of two of Wellington’s most exquisite drag performers in a fully immersive theater experience.

The Rainbow List Project aims to improve the diversity of the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Korero (the List) by recognising places of significance to Aotearoa New Zealand’s LGBTTFQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui, fa’afāfine, queer and intersex) communities.

Date: Saturday 28 September
Venue: Old St Pauls, 34 Mulgrave Street, Pipitea, Wellington
Timings: Pre-show entertainment from 6pm, show starts 7pm
Concession: $40
GA: $50
VIP: $75

Please share this event with your networks, we want to fill the venue for this queer celebration:

Starring: Vixen Temple, Eddie D’amore, Faux Femm, Robin Yablind, Slay West, Braiden Butter, Myrtle Montgomery, Homer Neurotic, Booth the Clown and officiated by Willy SmacknTush.

[R18] , Theatre , LGBTQIA+ ,

Approx 90 min plus intermission

Joyous, sexy and endearing

Review by Waitahi Aniwaniwa McGee 03rd Oct 2024

Now I’ve been to drag, and I’ve been to weddings, but I wasn’t sure what to expect as I prepared to attend this entrancing event.

I hadn’t been to Old St Paul’s before this show but man that cathedral is magnificent. The space is lit in typical warm lighting but the architecture mixed in with the moving audience members makes the space come alive. Promptly I am greeted by Booth The Clown and Jak Darling and shown to an available seat and man… The show hasn’t even begun and yet I can see it is going to be exquisite.

On the ticket the audience were invited to dress for the occasion and NO ONE MISSED THE MEMO. Everyone is either in drag themselves, or very gorgeous wedding outfits. A drag persona sits in the row in front of me and I have to stop myself from admiring their drag makeup for so looo…ng. Greens, purples, reds: just colour matched with contrast matched with fashion sense. Keeping in the brain, if that is just the audience’s outfits, I can’t wait to see the performers.

At 7pm the show begins and after a brief mihi by a rep from Heritage New Zealand we were plunged into darkness and engulfed in demonic, I mean, harmonic melodies, Willy Smackntush emerges from down the isle and welcomes us with ‘Take Me to Church’ by Hozier. It’s the perfect set up to intro the groomsmen: Braiden Butter (also choreographer), Homer Neurotic, Robin Yablind, and bridesmaids; Faux Femm, Slay West, Myrtle Montgomery.

Father Willy Smackntush sets the tone, and can I just say, I really love being told what to expect when I attend a performance. He outlines what we can do (e.g. scream to our hearts content), what we shan’t do (e.g. to never touch a performer!!!) and how this event is the “Wedding of the year, nay, the century.”

This one-off celebration of Drag, WEDLOCK: A Drag Wedding, gives you permission to come as you are, to witness skilled, salacious, yet scary performers tear up the stage in a beautiful gothic-like cathedral.

Massive mihi to the couple being wed Vixen Temple, Eddie D’amore. While the entire show is spectacular, the scene these performers share as they are giving their vows have me on the edge of my seat. Eddie D’amore is an opera singer, and performs ‘Nessun Dorma’ – famously sung by Luciano Pavarotti – to their beloved, Vixen Temple. Even now as I write this I’m feeling giddy as I remember this magnificent moment shared between performers. Brava.

Congratulations to Willy Smackntush and the team behind him for producing such a joyous, sexy and endearing event, especially despite having ‘protesters’ looming out the front gate. You and your team are the true MVP’s.

Fave Quote of the night: “Okay Daddy, baptise me!” – Audience Member. 


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