Intriguing exploration

To even begin putting Fax of Life into context may requ...

Review by John Smythe - February 24, 2015, of the production: FAX OF LIFE

Present Future-gazing

There seems to be a bit of a future-casting trend in re...

Review by James Wenley - November 16, 2015, of the production: 2063

Challenging in all the right ways

It’s clear from the outset that this production has b...

Review by Lexie Matheson ONZM - March 26, 2016, of the production: A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR

Considerable heart and soul in truthful caricature

Each character is identified by a unique mask, as well ...

Review by Nik Smythe - August 5, 2016, of the production: LEILANI

Less than the sum of its parts

Mother Earth is played as a grounded and very sick alba...

Review by John Smythe - August 10, 2016, of the production: MOM (Meet Our Mum)

Timely exposé of macho environment

In a week where very public outrage was required before...

Review by Leigh Sykes - September 29, 2016, of the production: LOST GIRLS

Challenging, gripping, spine-chilling

‘E kore e muri e hokia’ is the Maori proverb meanin...

Review by Jorja Heta - May 23, 2017, of the production: Mo and Jess Kill Susie - E Kore A Muri E Hokia

Not quite working the way I want it to is what it is all about

What follows is a somewhat linear narrative of Goodwinâ...

Review by Patrick Davies - September 19, 2018, of the production: BREATHE

An intriguingly dramatised meditation on the good/evil duality within individuals and our species

Narratively the play is structured as an interrogation....

Review by John Smythe - March 12, 2022, of the production: A STAB IN THE DARK

The Otago Festival of the Arts [6 – 14 October 2006] again envelops Dunedin in a magical whirlwind of captivating music, thought-provoking theatre, magical dance, side-splitting comedy, literature, visual arts and much, much more.

August 21, 2006