Kings & Queens, Performing Arts Centre, Dunedin

08/10/2010 - 09/10/2010

Otago Festival of the Arts 2010

Production Details

Following its highly successful debut season at the Body Festival in 2009, Christchurch based Southern Lights Dance Company is delighted to be back with a new season of works including two new commissions and a remounting of one previous work.

With the continued support of Creative New Zealand, The Arts Centre’s Artist in Residence Programme, and a new partnership with the Goethe-Institut, the company will present new works by New Zealand choreographer Maria Dabrowska and German choreographer Riki Von Falken. In addition Fleur de Thier’s work ‘Perch’ from the 2009 season will be revisited.

Featuring a company of outstanding dancers, be sure to catch this company at The Body Festival before it tours to The Otago Festival of the Arts and to The Edge in Auckland as part of its STAMP programme at the Tempo Festival.

“This dance material is a most sophisticated evening; perhaps the most sophisticated evening of contemporary dance produced in this country in the last few years?” – Felicity Molloy – Theatreview 11/10/09 


Company Southern Lights Dance Company
Venue James Hay Theatre, 86 Kilmore Street
Date/Time Mon 4th October 7.30pm – CANCELLED DUE TO EATHQUAKE
Duration 90 mins inc. intervals
Cost $30, $25 (concessions)
Bookings: Ticketek www.ticketek.co.nz  or phone (03) 377 8899 booking fees apply  

Otago Festival of the Arts
Kings & Queens, Performing Arts Centre
8 – 9 Oct, 8pm
1hr 30m


1hr 30min

Wellingon City Council
Auckland City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust