Online, Global

18/02/2022 - 12/03/2022

NZ Fringe Festival 2022

Production Details

An Ice Thing to Say blends Ice installation, music and physical theatre to explore our impact on nature.

Drawing on inspiration from Erich Fromm’s book To Have or to Be? and Ecoscenography, we invite the audience into a multi sensory experience of our inner and outer icy landscapes. We attempt to challenge the idea that the human being is at the centre of the world and we attempt to construct an embodied inquire into ‘what has gone wrong?

This is an online only show, viewable on demand. Tickets will be available during the festival, on this page.

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About the company
Vertebra Theatre is an Award Winning Ensemble of Theatre Makers and Artists from diverse backgrounds with passion for creating contemporary Devised Physical and Visual Theatre.

With a taste of the Absurd and the Visual Storytelling we seek to explore the interplay between the dynamics of life, imagination, myths and science creating original and socially informed writing for stage. Placing the Body and Collaboration in the core of our practice and research, we strive to create artistic work that is radical, relevant and fluid stretching the boundaries between Physical Theatre, Dance, Puppetry and the Visual Arts.

Cast & Creative Team
Digital Version 2020:
Performers: Stella Evangelia, Mayra Stergiou, Piedad Albarracin Seiquer
Concept / Direction/ Scenography: Mayra Stergiou
Co-Scenography: Elisabeth Leau
Sound Designer: Gregory Emfietzis
Singing: Myrto Loulaki
Mask Maker: Stella Evangelia
Filming/ Editing: Theo Prodromidis
Production: Vertebra Theatre
Concept / Editing / Music/ Sound Design: Spyros Aronis

Webcast , Theatre ,

Wellingon City Council
Auckland City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust