Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee Street, Wellington

18/07/2014 - 19/07/2014

Production Details

Remember when Doctor Who wore a scarf? When phones were attached to walls, computers only happened in banks, popstars wore colours, and TV had two channels? Or one channel?

WE DO!!!

And that means we’re now middle aged and fabulous…most of the time. 

A lighthearted look at the experience of being over 40 in 2014, told through music from the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.   

Gryphon Theatre, Ghuznee St. 
18 and 19 July 2014, 9.45pm (ish)

Constance Craving (Maryanne Cathro) 
Michael Nicholas Williams 
Emma Kinane 
David Cathro 
Moxie Fizz (Joy Wintour) 
Crows Feet Dance Collective – Jan Bolwell and Tania Kopytko 

Technical everything: Aaron Blackledge 

Short and sweet nostalgic cabaret

Review by Jo Hodgson 19th Jul 2014

Born before 74 endeavours to capture the spirit of the music and life of the (mostly) 60s and 70s.  The show is made up of amusing pastiches from these eras delivered by glitzy Constance Craving.   

Emma Kinane comically supports her with witty repartee of facts for our age groups – e.g. we can spell ‘before’, it has 6 letters and no numbers – and the inspired improvisational piano work of human jukebox Michael Nicholas Williams propels the show forward.

I enjoy the positive theme running through the show, about not worrying about what others think and celebrating body and freedom of expression. This is joyfully portrayed by guest dancers from Crows Feet dance and by Moxy Fizz.  

With audience participation the show draws on our memories directly and the vamping on memorable songs is fun. 

The pleasant and warm sentiment is not well supported by the stark staging of mainly just keyboard and mic. Making it more of a homely parlour type setting with some creative use of memorabilia or iconic images from the time might help with the nostalgia fest and would warm the atmosphere.  

With only just squeaking in to the age group of born before ’74, it is less of a trip down memory lane for myself and doesn’t cater for audience members born before the 50s. Mum wonders whether ‘the jukebox’ would know her favourite teenage song, ‘Tammy’.

It is a short and sweet cabaret at just under an hour long and the audience enjoys being included in the nostalgia.


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