Meteor Theatre, 1 Victoria Street, Hamilton

30/09/2014 - 04/10/2014

Production Details

When the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence are caught ordering the bombing of schools (terrorist training cells) by their janitor, the orchestration of a wild cover-up begins. The janitor is framed, a scapegoat weighed down by all the country’s woes, and the PM’s police force is sent into the streets to enforce his viewpoint upon any who dare to remember their own.

We Were Always Watching is an original play, collaboratively developed by Remote Fiction Theatre.  Tied deeply to current events, both nationally and abroad, we investigate the space between what we intend to communicate and what is actually communicated. Join us in tracing the tale of an unfortunate scapegoat, caught up in matters beyond his reckoning.

Dates: 30th September (VIP Preview Night, not open to public) and 1st – 4th October
Time: 7pm 
Venue: The Meteor 
Tickets: iTICKET | www.iticket.co.nz | 0508 iTICKET 

Timely satire

Review by Brenda Rae Kidd 01st Oct 2014

First – may I say – I love Antony Aiono (pictured)!  Why is there not more about this multi-talented actor in the media? The man can sing, is funny as a twit and can pull out the tears when he needs too.  Fantastic stuff.  This play is worth catching if only to see Aiono himself. 

A collaborative effort, We Were Always Watching is a satire, bringing attention to events and issues which should gravely concern us all. Yet for most, they don’t. 

There are references to the death and mayhem of war, the futility; to political subterfuge, the lies; to misguided vacuous lives, the searching; to cults, religions and new-ageism, the farce.

The cast and crew utilise technology to master some damn fine wizardry – however sometimes the whiz-bang supersedes the acting.  Perhaps this is intentional as technology is indeed becoming God in an increasingly ‘wired’ world, and my, what clever use of imagery and sound.  Credit to technicians Mitchell Butting and David Bowers-Mason. Really really cool. 

While I have mentioned that Aiono is the star, the cast also shows some promise of emerging talent. Lisa Louw, Amelia Williams and Hamish Balderston juggle multiple roles adeptly. Watch for the Louw and Williams turn at dastardly Prime Minister and Minister of Defence/Spin Doctor.  Reminiscent of long standing British comedy Yes Minister, the audience is left to question who really is ‘boss’ behind the hallowed doors. 

All very timely after the latest election debacle and current global events.  The title alone alludes to global surveillance in the wake of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, et al. Closer to home, of course, Kim Dotcom and the GCSB.

Great to experience an emerging awareness and a platform in which to perform confronting works like We Were Always Watching.  Special mention for director Nick Sturgess-Monk whose competent guidance, whilst there, is subtle enough to allow for a real collaboration … a bit like true democracy is supposed to be.

Congratulations Meteor for supporting local talent and good on you, the audience, those that choose to forgo another rendition of The Block on TV3 to get off, get out and support Hamilton’s fledgling performing arts scene.


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