Request a review

Theatreview commissions and publishes reviews of professional performing arts productions, including co-op shows, shows within arts festivals and fringe festivals, and the graduation productions of full-time performing arts degree courses.

Important: If Theatreview has already reviewed your production, please email details of further seasons to the relevant editor, below.

To request a review, please:

  • note the field headings below
  • when you are ready, populate the fields, and
  • click Submit.

Once you have submitted your request we will email you a copy.

If you have any questions, the contacts are:
Theatre, John Smythe: (
Dance, Lyne Pringle: (

If anything changes before your show opens, please let us know as soon as possible.

Request a review form

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
If you need to change the selected image, just click ‘browse’ again.

IMPORTANT: Do not upload copyright images that you have not paid to use. Ideally use an image you have created and own all rights to.

Venue-1, opening date (dd/mm/yyyy), closing date (dd/mm/yyyy).
Venue-2, opening date (dd/mm/yyyy), closing date (dd/mm/yyyy)
and further as appropriate
Please note – if you are uploading a large image, this form can take a few moments to be submitted.