Review Archive
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Theatre and dance reviews since 2006.
Go Solo 07
06/08/2007 - 19/08/2007
"Define the parameters more sharply?..
"Many will significantly develop …..
King Lear
Auckland, Wellington
11/08/2007 - 25/08/2007
"Uneven performancess diminish excellence..
"Star performance should have shone brighter..
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King Lear
Wellington, Dunedin
01/08/2007 - 01/09/2007
"Return season wanted in Wellington..
"A great work realised with fidelity..
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Hatch - or The Plight of the Penguins
Auckland, Hawea, Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington
15/03/2007 - 21/03/2009
"Divine Devenie..
"A brilliant insight into Victorian times..
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Nuclear Zephyr
07/08/2007 - 11/08/2007
"Focused political satire timely and provocative..
Aurelia's Oratorio
Christchurch, Wellington
25/07/2007 - 12/08/2007
"Glorious whimsy created with seeming insouciance..
"Tricks of the eye..
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The Cape
04/08/2007 - 01/09/2007
"Captivating contemplation on culture, life and friendship..
"Plumbing the depths of what’s important..
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The Hunting of the Snark
08/05/2007 - 04/08/2007
"Entertaining trip to nonsense land..
"Filled with promise and a few surprises..
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Diva on the Verge
03/08/2007 - 03/08/2007
"Some things best left a mystery?..
Ennio Marchetto
New Plymouth, Wellington
01/08/2007 - 18/08/2013
"Cabaret, drag, mime, and vaudeville..
"Celebrity send-up thrills with skill..
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Part of Me
11/08/2006 - 26/07/2007
"Beauty meets average and arrogant but no statement intended..
"Snappy writing..
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Instructions for Modern Living
01/08/2007 - 05/08/2007
"Clear-sighted, darkly humorous and technically inventive..
The Raft
28/07/2007 - 18/08/2007
"Risible rumblings undermine powerful human story..
Three Days of Rain
28/07/2007 - 25/08/2007
"Acerbic dialogue and colourful performances..