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Raewyn Whyte was Editor (Dance) for Theatreview and managed the dance reviewers network nationally until 2021. She has been a freelance arts writer since 1983, reviewing dance and theatre in New Zealand and Canada. She is a regular contributor to DANZ Magazine and Radio NZ arts programming, and was formerly a regular contributor to the NZ Herald and NZ Listener, and a weekly columnist for The Georgia Straight (Vancouver). A dancer who turned to writing about dance as a better way to understand the way choreography communicates meaning to an audience, she has an MA from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC, Canada where her research examined the development, scope and limits of contemporary dance criticism in North America, 1880-1990. She is a member of IAPWE (International Association of Professional Writers and Editors), an indexer, and remote copy editor for BookSprints Limited. She was a Theatreview Trustee and was an Executive member of the New Theatre Initiative who built Q Theatre in Auckland. She has been writing for Theatreview since 2009.   Raewyn now lives in the Far North and  is no longer reviewing dance performance.
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Theatre and dance reviews since 2006.

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Short + Sweet Dance - Group 1


07/02/2012 - 09/02/2012

"Good luck to the judges!..

This Is The Stand I Made. (Home Edition)

Christchurch, Auckland

16/12/2011 - 06/10/2012

"Dances strongly exploring a sense of self..

"Entirely enterprising and admirable..

The Beaten Track 2012


06/12/2011 - 07/12/2011

"Delightfully quirky..

"Light and dark, the familiar and the new, and solos and duets..

This is a Trans- World with Sam I Am

Dunedin, Auckland

11/11/2011 - 03/02/2012

"Twisty/Straight, Ironic, Intriguing..

"The impossiblity of real-ness..

Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project


14/10/2011 - 14/10/2011

"A rich experience all round..

New Zealand Body Art Awards Show 2011


01/10/2011 - 01/10/2011

"Spectacular body art entertains well..



30/09/2011 - 30/09/2011

"The emergence of something really exciting, a bit chaotic, completely energizing and necessary..

"Q's auditorium well warmed by Maori dance..

Te Houhi - The People and the Land Are One


21/09/2011 - 25/09/2011

"Intelligent, heartfelt, and completely engrossing..

"Beautifully crafted, intricately layered..

Venus Is...


07/09/2011 - 17/09/2011

"Extreme physicality, intense lyricism and eroticism..

"Definitely a show to see more than once..

HEAR ME : The Producing Project Live Series


29/07/2011 - 30/07/2011

"Hear Me offers a rich melange..

Stravinsky Selection - Royal NZ Ballet

Invercargill, Auckland, Wellington

20/05/2011 - 09/06/2011

"Two tough acts for poor Petrouchka to follow..

"Satisfied with Great Success is the delight in this Triple Bill..

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Live Live Cinema: Carnival of Souls


04/03/2011 - 12/10/2013

"Exhilarating romp into B-grade horror will scare even the tough..

"A wonderful thing to experience..

Loin... (Far...)


03/03/2011 - 05/03/2011

"A captivating poetic performance..

"A body's legacy of the past..

Who Are You


02/03/2011 - 19/03/2011

"Dynamic, fast paced performance..

"Full out dancing and in your face social commentary..

When Animals Dream of Sheep


23/02/2011 - 27/02/2011

"Site sympathetic event makes the most of Upper Myers Park..

Mixed Nuts


24/01/2011 - 26/02/2011

"Mixed Nuts - a local showcase..

Birds of Paradise 2010


08/12/2010 - 18/12/2010

"Mixed bag of birds need more room to move..

"Sit back and enjoy the fun..

Touch Compass Triple Bill


18/08/2010 - 21/08/2010

"Ensemble meet challenge with new artistry..

"Performance maturity..



05/08/2010 - 29/08/2010

"The campest Grease ever..

"The moment is everything..

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Swan Lake On Ice

Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland

30/06/2010 - 25/07/2010

"Russian classic gorgeous served on ice with twist..

"Spectacle serves the story..

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Jigsaw Menu


22/04/2010 - 22/04/2010

"Diverse works in a difficult venue..



18/03/2010 - 20/03/2010

"Dazzling detail..

PO A Tribal Pop Opera


12/03/2010 - 12/03/2010

"Much to commend but loses its way..

"Succeeds as a grand musical showcase..

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